Classes and Workshops

Auric Energetics

On-line Thursdays, 7:30pm

Auric Energetics is a weekly offering to help you feel more centered, grounded and lighthearted. Both individual and group energy work is provided to clear and transform heavy emotions, thoughts and feelings. This alchemy allows for a deeper connection to your true essential self. You will learn tools to help you move through the week feeling more empowered to shift negative energies within and around you. The group setting helps to amplify high vibes which positively impacts you and world you live in.

Starseed Collective

Saturday, Sep 28th 6pm

The Starseed Collective is a sacred space supporting those on the path of awakening. We come together to tap into intuitive knowledge & wisdom from our higher selves, spirit guides and star family. Energy healing, meditation and shamanic journeying allows us to access deeper insight as we channel messages through both spoken and written words. This alchemy helps to create freedom and liberation for the mind, body and spirit; and allows our soul essences to be more embodied person Portland, OR

Retreats and Journeys

 Journey to Peru 

June 7th - 17th, 2024 Sold Out


October 10-21, 2023

Sold Out